As a child, I was already immensely interested in how objects and machines work. I wanted to dismantle things, deconstruct them, literally discover them, and then create quirky new combinations to see what is possible. Inventing new things, being a bit of a Willie Wortel (inventor). Even now, after four years of study at the HKU (Utrecht School of the Arts), wondering and conceiving the unthinkable are still my primary motivations. I strive to minimize the gap between the maximum conceivable and what I can technically create. Exploring where the limit lies—what is conceivable, designable, and manufacturable.
This is, to a significant extent, a technical challenge. The question then becomes which technique is necessary to turn a new combination of existing elements, a new design in my mind, into reality. However, it's also a narrative challenge. It's about telling a new story about the emerging combination. I aim to go beyond a passive museum attitude. Therefore, my work is an invitation. I make the user a co-designer, perhaps through a light absurd twist or a gentle wink to bridge the gap. It is inviting them to deconstruct and reshape the design according to their desires and insights. To create new worlds together. Construct new possibilities and fantasies. For me, design is not just a noun, not a finished or static product, but dynamic, an activity. Design is a verb. Design is Dasein (existence). Design lives; it emerges as a combination of other designs, it nourishes a desire, it is used, wears out, fades away, may produce sadness or nostalgia, and then becomes a source for a restart (recycling) or other design/dasein.
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Please note that I am unable to showcase all of my designs due to ongoing contracts and concerns about intellectual property protection. Some projects are bound by confidentiality agreements, and I must respect these commitments. If you have specific inquiries or need further examples of my work, I'm happy to discuss them privately where possible. Thank you for your understanding.